Portfolio: AR Simulation Development Demo


AR Simulation Development Demo


Shopping experience can be improved by using AR simulation. Like shopping for furniture, garments, glasses, shoes, car parts, golf club or fishing rods, customers can try and check products in AR environment before purchasing.

Many companies are building simulation apps for smartphone and tablet other than PC. The handy solution is useful for shop staff when communicating with customers. While a customer checks items in AR environment, shop staff can gain better understanding of customer needs and preferences.

Using AR simulation, customers can try out many different products in different shapes and colors. Overlaying photographic or computer graphic product images in their room, customers can check whether new furniture color and design matches with their room, or whether size and fitting are right. Through simulation, it helps customers to visualize the desired outcome.

Promoting optional parts and accessories for car and motorbike can also benefit from AR simulation. While in AR environment, customer can check parts and accessories together with a product, then added to order form in one flow.
Logging and analyzing customer activities can help develop customer insight. Observing what customers saw in the purchase items, or what items were bought together could give idea for next product development.

At this stage, perhaps even displaying product CG image on a smartphone can be already beneficial for customers.


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