Displaying content in a box with AR

AR demo

Displaying content in a box with AR - Demo

Sales promotion

Have you ever wished that you could see what's inside a box without opening it? This App lets you do so. Just holding your smartphone camera over a box, the App displays the content inside.

Using AR technology, you can present these additional information to your customers, which helps customers in choosing the right product. This leads to better marketing.

When thinking of using AR, many people may immediately think of displaying movie or CG files by reading AR marker with a smartphone. However, it is just one way of using it. In order to make use of AR in business scenes, its practical use and various contents should be considered.

Cost of AR Apps development can vary based on what to display and how. In order to have clearer estimation, the basic content should be determined.

Thinking of the future of AR, by combining with AI, it will provide us with information and suggestions at right time and right place in a very new format.


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